

Anders is working on some of his material this week in our studio, aiming to incorporate the ARP 2500 in his music, trying to midisync the arp with the commodore, adding some vocal tracks.

We love the big screen! And the scrolling numbers on it, its archaic in its own way, matching well with the synths.


AND, after working very hard at our studio in semi tropical temperatures this week, here’s some pre-tracks, in rough unedited form, but good for tasters.



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Meet James Rubery, one of the architects of the cem studio, doing a investigative maintenance round of the studio. Here he is counting to 35, i think… that is, things to fix on the mixing desk, pan pods mostly…


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Working on the Serge

Floris van Hoof is a regular at unregular intervals here at the studio, he is a typical DIY person, building his own sound devices, movie-making and easily at home with complex but logical patches such as this one on the Serge.


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Build Your Own

Derek Holzer was this week artist in residence at the WORM ModdrLab____, with a Neanderthal Electronincs Workshop of building your own synth he showed that with little means you can create an exciting self composed basic synthesizer. He also spent 2 long days at the Studio. On the clip below he is filming a synth scematic while Mr Jean is performing his self built synth.


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midi and analogue synths

Exciting times at the studio as the midi to cv implementation is taking shape. At the moment there’s a set up for the EMS (putney) and MS 20 (korg). Now you can sit and compose on your pc music for these synths just as you would for your soft synths, but the studio machines sound brutal.

below is an little example of a demo setup. the putney has a relative range of 3 three octaves, depending on where you start, the MS 20 is another case to study.


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soopa_onemannation at the knobs


Mondaymorning…Its their first day of a week long stay at the studio, and they intend to use as many of the machines as possible, into a electro-gamelan piece they intend to make.
so first lessons on the arp 2500, how to get a controlled note out of it.
anyhow, 5 hours later, they already got the concussor going, filter external sounds thru the arp while sequencing, had a weary go at the serge, decided that the putney was out of control, and the arp 2600 not very reliable either.

Anyway, here’s a track they made that week and later mixed at home. Details on what we hear will follow.

Marc writes: “We used gamelan samples from a free library, sequenced them in Ableton Live, then set it out into the Serge and Arp 2500. The Arp was being modulated with lfo’s and envelops from the Serge as well as the other sequencer on top of the rack.”


yes folks, the kenton midi to cv converter is here and hopefully installed next month, so you can all come and get your miditools out and bonk away with the whole analogue caboodle behind it….

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NEXT LIFE flew in especially to see the zeni geva gig, offered to be the support act and work 2 days in the studio, primarily mixing out some of their new tracks thru our mixingdesk because of its good sound, so they said, and of they went again, promising to be back for more later this year. Intens.



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