studio productions


We’re sorry! We been neglecting all the people that came to do residencies in the worm studio for the last few months. So let’s catch up.

The first few days of the year we had Pete Swanson doing things.

He also did a small gig with this machine;

The next patient was Jorgen Teller from Kopenhagen. He did some great stuff with the old synths but also invited innocent passers-by to come & jam. Like these people…

from left; Martin Ruiten, Lukas Simonis, Yuri Landman & Jorgen Teller.  Later Arnold vd Velde also joined the crew.

Then we had DSRLines from Antwerpen working on a new album… He promised to send us stuff as soon as he finished it at home…

First thing in february was Marit Shalem recording voices for her new film, Frozen Hope.  
Then it was Andre Castro’s turn for a project with the Piet Zwart Institute (that is still not finished, they come in every now and then…).
Next was Tim Coster…check him out here; and here;
Lucinda Guy had a special invitation from us; we asked her to make a radioplay in our Horspil series. She was here a week and was good on her way for her radiopiece and she also appeared on the Fucking Good Art event where she made everybody sing hymns.  Lucinda is also one of the founders of soundartradio
(soundartradio in action, lucinda in front)
(Lucinda at the FGA event in worm)
Next where Chrome Brulee, an electronic band from Belgium, Hasselt. They will also join the cassette festival that will take place in worm in april. SEE HERE.
Then Alex Barnett from Chicago showed up and made new recordings for his new album. The few snapshots he showed us promised good!
(Alex in the worm/klangendum studio)
Last week Crystal Dorval 
worked in the studio, after touring this side of the world for a few weeks. 
so that’s all for the moment, next on the list are the Bohman Brothers, Singapore Sling & Rachid Prins…
we’ll keep you posted…



Er ging iets mis bij de Concertzender vorige week! Vandaar dat de eerste aflevering van Dr Klangendum vandaag -9 juli- wordt uitgezonden.

 Eerste aflevering Dr Klangendum, woensdag 9 juli 00.00 uur, Concertzender

Dr klangendum 1 / 9 juli 2013 Dr Klangendum

Dr Klangendum is een programma over maar voornamelijk vol radiofonie, geluidskunst en andere audio-non-visuele misverstanden en vondsten (bedoelt U Fondsen ?). De makers zijn Henk Klangendum Bakker en Lukas Klangendum Simonis, voormalige werknemers- en gevers van de WORM Studio te Rotterdam waar ze radio-programma’s als Radio Worm en de Hørspil Reeks (via VPRO’s Cafe Sonore, nu genomineerd voor de guillotine) de wereld instuurden, en de voormalige CEM studio beheerden. De studio bestaat nog steeds, de activiteiten bestaan ook nog steeds (behalve genoemde ook nog het organiseren van residencies, workshops en eductatie-projecten, het doen van podium producties en het organiseren van experimentele & improv concerten) maar de Worm Studio heeft zich inmiddels afgescheiden van WORM en heet nu Stichting Klangendum… De samenwerking met WORM gaat wel door in de vorm van gezamenlijke producties en ook de locatie van de studio blijft (voorlopig?) dezelfde; in het WORM gebouw.

Dr Klangendum zal geen sleur van een radioprogramma worden… We kunnen niet zo goed tegen de regelmaat van een vast format en iedere keer weer de lijst afwerken… Een vorm van vastigheid is echter onvermijdelijk en die zal bestaan aan een keur van vaste medewerkers (oa. Adam Bohman, Vincent Denieul, Sara Pinheiro, eva.) en een rubriek in samenwerking met het Radia network (zie; waarin iedere week een kunstradio productie zal worden gepresenteerd door een van de leden (de producties duren steevast 28 minuten).  Verder staan er een aantal specials op stapel over geluidskunstenaars die we goed vinden, zullen er regelmatig radiofonische hoorspelen worden vertoond (een voortzetting van onze Hørspil Reeks, die nog tot as. januari bij cafe sonore loopt), hebben we een ‘perverse animals’ reeks in de maak en zijn er ook vergevorderde plannen voor radiofonische (weer dat woord, zie het als een eufemisme voor ‘psychedelisch in onbegrepen zin’) documentaires.

Reacties worden op prijs gesteld, bijdrages ook. Email ons;
Onze website & blog;   (vanaf augustus)

Inhoud Klangendum 1;
The Adam Bohman talking tapes -Adam Bohman
Test Fontaine Vincent –  Vincent Denieul
Arpy – Sarah Davachi
Taut Wires, Lice and Flies – Oscillatorial Binnage
Ultrasonic City – Wendy Van Wynsberghe (Radio Panik voor het Radia Network)

Extra Info;
 Ultrasonic city by Wendy Van Wynsberghe (Radio Panik)
“What do you hear in the city? What sounds are only perceptible in the ultrasonic realm, where bats and crickets communicate? Sounds which are so high, our human ears cannot perceive them. This acoustic world becomes audible in Ultrasonic City and they get their place in the sounds of the city and the world.
The urban sound world is quite dense. By extracting the ultrasound I wanted to reveal a sonic universe or even add another layer to the field recordings. When you hear only the ultrasonic layer of the city, you hear a place devoid of human voices. They simply do not reach that high. Some very quiet sounds get enhanced, such as rubbing your fingers together, frottements in French. In a park at sunset you hear the foraging bats, whilst at the same time, our human ears only register ducks, planes and other humans. A swimming pool gets reduced to splashes, you do not hear the children shriek nor play. Plastic, metal, water all produce ultrasounds.
With the help of ACSR, I was able to record the same place in the city ultrasonically and with high quality “normal” microphones. This revealing/unravelling/hiding of layers of sound I want to present in this documentary.
Director and narrator: Wendy Van Wynsberghe
Fieldrecordings: Marion Guillemette
Edits : Vincent Mattyn and yours truly
Thanks for your patience, support and tenacity: Acsr, Carmello, Clementine & Carine
2013 Creative Commons Attributions Non Commercial Share alike


Sara & Gyz

Also in may, sara Pinheiro & Gyz La Rivière, working in the worm studio, on their soundwalk -that will be presented on the 22th of june at the Radio radio Event @ worm. Here’s Sara in a non-related situation.

Sara & Gyz Read More »

Galen & Planteidt do Hitler

Nicolai Galen (aka Nick Hobbs) and Dolf Planteidt were in the worm studio just last month. They worked on a radioplay called ‘Hitler’ (explanation below) which will be broadcasted by the Radia Network (the short version) and later Cafe Sonore (the long version)


A radio play created by Nikolai Galen (voices) and Dolf Planteijdt (soundwork) at the WORM studio in Rotterdam 29.10-3.11.12 with additional work at the Koeienverhuur Mobile in Amsterdam.
Based on a play text by Nikolai Galen.
With thanks to RadioWORM.

We asked Nicolai to tell us a bit more about the play and he did.

Nicolai about the text;

While choosing and writing the different texts which make up the text as a whole, I found myself attempting to grapple with some specific – and daunting –  themes. Namely:
 – Anti-Semitism: What is it? Where does it spring from? How on Earth has it survived and festered for millennia? Why did it explode so pathologically in Hitler’s thinking and Nazism in general. Presumably most of us (me included) sometimes have proto-racist feelings of discomfort in the presence of people (perhaps immigrants, perhaps those of a different class) who seem especially other to us, whose presence, whose cultural differences can irritate us, even though, at the same time, we might (I hope) be irritated with ourselves for being irritated, for carrying such sick prejudices. Yet it’s an awfully, unimaginably, inconceivably long way from such feelings to genocide. Yet, there are plenty of populist politicians and their followers around, happy to play with racism in its various forms (they’re taking our jobs, they’re thieves and pimps, they’re incompatible with our ways and beliefs, they’re diluting the national spirit, they’ve no wish to integrate, etc…) fomented by nationalism, by myths of cultural difference and superiority, by a national claim for us versus them, and for this land being our land and all that. Bigotry is alive, well and kicking, as an uncountable and shameful number of contemporary murders and ‘cleansings’, especially in the world’s numerous ‘conflict zones’, testify.
– Hitler’s popularity in Germany: How on Earth could such a pathetic, mad and manically-deluded man be so popular, and for so long? I could ask the same question about, say, George W. Bush, yet Bush isn’t mad, was Hitler mad? And what does it mean to say that he was evil? And given that he was evil (in a way Bush can’t hold a candle to) – radically evil – then how come he was so popular, so adored…?
– How could 20th Century European culture, in the form of Nazism, be so unimaginably violent, even sadistic, even without any kind of rational justification, however feeble? Most obviously, there was no military reason for the death factories, nor the destruction of swathes of the Soviet Union after those regions had been conquered. It was as if the (German) nation (as imagined by itself) was infected with blood-lust.
– What does it mean to say (as Jung does, amongst others) that Hitler was some kind of incarnation of the German collective psyche, of the national myth (made all the more absurd by Hitler being a puny black-haired guy, not a strapping blonde athlete)? What are the myths at the heart of Nazism, from where do they derive their power…?
All of which I could only scratch the surface of. And the more I scratched, the deeper I found myself in the bowels of Western Culture. And it’s not a pleasant place…

Nicolai about the radioplay;

For the radio version of Hitler we found ourselves layering and treating voices in ways which led me to thinking that we were purposely giving voice to Hitler and the other protagonists without (anyway impossible for the medium) giving them body. The voices are disembodied. They float by like phantoms. The texts we chose for the radio play are particularly obsessed with death – one could say, with the factory production of phantoms. One could also say that Hitler aimed to make his Promethean utopia (which would of course have been the dystopia to end all dystopias) out of death (something he had in common with other great dictators). Perhaps out of death he thought he would be able to resurrect a new (‘better’ for das Volk at least) kind of life. Instead, out of death he only produced the final vast and awful nothing of silence and phantoms. The phantoms of the dead. The phantoms of those – people and cultures – that can never be resurrected.

But our terrible times are less different from those terrible times than perhaps we would like to believe. War carries on unabated in its demented fury, and some of those wars – those in the Middle East – have some of their roots in World War Two. And as we rape and ravage the planet, we also are leaving behind us silence and phantoms, with much more, and maybe much worse, to come. On the one hand it seems an absurd question to say, ‘George Bush was a little Hitler’ but I’m not so sure. The veneer may be politer, and the process of gaining power more ‘democratic’ (but not for the victims, they had no say in it); but was, say, Bush really so much less Promethean, especially when the juggernaut power of the USA is looked at as a whole.

But I don’t want to single out the USA, many other states are just as bad, only not as powerful. Anyway, it seems to me that what happened seventy-odd years ago has rather faded from the memories of many, especially those for whom only the grandparents lived through that war. Trying to bring the horror of Hitler and his accomplices back to life seems to me essential. But let them stay only as voices, as phantom voices. The attempt to give them flesh (as in cinema) just doesn’t seem to carry sufficient horror to be anything other than another entertainment, just another war movie. But when we only hear the voices, they enter our heads, we can’t keep them out, and therefore we have to engage with them. We have to never forget them and we have to recognise that the times have not changed very much at all.

Galen & Planteidt do Hitler Read More »

Sun Araw in Worm Studio

I found these photo’s hanging in my telephone, they are from last june (2012). It’s the boys from Sun Araw doing all kinds of things with synths, mu-tron (theirs) and suitcases in the Worm studio. Hey boys from Sun Araw, made anything here worth listening to? if so, let us know…

(update; a reaction)

cameron from SUN ARAW here!  just saw that
BLOG POST….yah mon, we are still editing the jams we did there and
planning an LP release of them hopefully SPRING/SUMMER, band name

here’s a taste

1. software;

2. hardware;

Sun Araw in Worm Studio Read More »

Releaseparty Soundpiece with Machinefabriek, Pierre Bastien & Daisy Bell

Last tuesday we had a very nice party @ Worm; to celebrate the three records we released as a documentation/celebration of the Soundpiece Project we did last year.

the acts that we released all showed up and played a short show.
Here are some photo’s that Theo Huijgens took;



 Daisy Bell

 And here’s the press info on the records. At the moment you can order them from the worm shop ;
WORM SHOP They will also be distrubted through ‘the usual’ channels , more info about that later.
Other thing;
There’s only 200 copies of each record available…
If you order the threesome, you get a nice discount (but this only counts if you buy the records from the wormshop)

3 New Vinyl releases by WORM Records

Performer: Machinefabriek
Title record: 15/15
WORMREC 4276, 12”, yellow vinyl
Performer: Dyane Donck/Daisy Bell
Title record: Proverbs of Hell
WORMREC 4277, 12”, pink vinyl
Performer: Pierre Bastien
Title record: Entomology
WORMREC 4278, 12”, blauw vinyl

threesome of coloured vinyl by WORM Records. These records are
extraordinary not just because of their appearance (bright yellow, blue
and pink vinyl), but because of their arising history as well. The
a-sides of the records were recorded for Soundpiece, a soundinstallation
under the floor of the Schouwburgsquare in Rotterdam.

invited the composers Machinefabriek, Pierre Bastien and Dyane
Donck/Daisy Bell to compose a piece for this. The results are three
soundartworks/tape compositions that are made for public space, but are
impressive as isolated piece of art as well. Something that stands out
as well, is the different approaches of the three composers.The pieces
were played at fixed times at the Soundpiece installation, for a month
at the end of 2011.

On the 8th of october 2012, these records were presented in WORM with a performance of all three performers.

Dyane Donck/Daisy Bell
Bell is the new group of Donck. The live show involves a collection of
electronic and acoustic instruments, harmony vocals, lots of live
sampling and sound processing plus a video projection, illustrating each
song with minimal, yet evocative imagery.  All songs are based on
poetry by William Blake. His texts provide the vocal spine of the
compositions. These range from experimental musique concrete to pop
“with a twist” with a strong intensity, dark atmosphere and raw beats.

Pierre Bastien
is very French, but lives in Rotterdam for quite some time now. His
work finds its place on the secant of installations / robotica / visual
arts on one side and soundart / jazz / improvisation on the other.
Pierre is signed to the Rephlex label (the Aphex Twin playground) but
also does projects for lots of other labels and works for dance and
theatre as well.

Machinefabriek is the
project of Rutger Zuydervelt. Machinefabriek’s music combines elements
of ambient, modern classical, minimalism, drone and field recordings. He
has a big discography, containing his own releases as well as releases
on renowned lables.

Soundpiece is a
soundinstallation in the public space of the Schouwburgsquare in
Rotterdam and covers an area of 30 by 30 meter through 32 speakers. It
can be heard across the entire Schouwburgsquare at limited volume.

Releaseparty Soundpiece with Machinefabriek, Pierre Bastien & Daisy Bell Read More »

Machinefabriek @ Worm

Machinefabriek did his time too @ worm studio


And we posted an edit on FMA.

If you want to hear the whole thing; it’s called ‘Doepfer Worm’   released on cd on Entr’acte

(discription; Synthesizer based collages, partly recorded on vintage synths at WORM, Rotterdam. Not your average Machinefabriek release ).

(makes you wonder what a regular machinefabriek release is…)

looks like this;

Machinefabriek @ Worm Read More »