studio productions


We invited the Lemuriformes to do a residency and presentation at worm. Allthough their starting point did not sound very rock n roll to our ears (Improvisation through oscillation) it turned into a very interesting project with a great live event at the end. It was about noise & electronics, improv strategies & interdisciplinary interactions. 

Some background; 
Lemuriformes is an improvisation project of Julie Dassaud (FR), Eliad Wagner (IL), Roel van Doorn (NL) and Laurens van der Wee (NL). It is a ‘mixed media’ project in which audio-visual live coding, painting and electronic Eclectica are used. The week of June 18 to June 23 they were guests in WORM and worked on a new piece that was presented live last sunday (june 24h).

Their starting point;
Musical movement has its origins in feedback. We are talking about feedback’ between systems (human systems, disciplines, digital, analog systems, etc.), tools, video, contact microphone on Julie’s pens.

At all levels oscillations (oscillations / vibrations) cause new actions that resonate in the connections between the parts and people who compose the system. The result is an aesthetic and challenging mix of disciplines and techniques.

Here’s the interview Lukas did with Eliat before the concert, about the way Lemuriformes worked;

Here’s one of the pieces; (musicians invisible, Julie doing live drawings)

Here are some photo’s from the project.

Supporting act; Idan Karucci with his project; Brain Waves.


Truus de Groot was in our studio. 

We invited her to make a radioplay for our Hörspìl-series. It will be broadcasted by VPRO Radio 6 , Cafe Sonore and will be our next contribution to the Radia network-series. (end of june/beginning of july).

Here’s allready the stuff she wrote about what she did & credits & etc.

name of the radioplay/ radiophonic/ Autobiographic opera/ musical;  

Truus Makes Waves

By Truus de Groot


Johnny Dowd    – presenter

Solex (aka  Elisabeth Esselink) – Instrumentation  on “NY NY”

Kathy Ziegler – Bontempi Organ on “Toilet Dame”

Written by Truus de Groot (aka Geertruda De Groot Hrnjak) 2012

An autobiographical opera  by Truus de Groot about her earliest years in the US.  Dealing with the isolation and loneliness through  her ongoing often humorous audio observations that she has collected over the years.

The piece starts out with Truus reading form her Diary in 1980, shortly before her departure to the US.  Just minor observations of a 20 year old, nothing special yet a moment in time.  Not really a clue she would be going to the US mere months later, never to call the Netherlands her home again.  

It was an adventure looking back  for her, but at that time these were just impulsive decisions.  Never thinking twice, why am I doing this?  Is there future here??  What will I do?   Her first stop was a connection she made on a whim in Eindhoven, David Linton, who lived in Tribeca, NY.   His roommate was Lee Renaldo, who was at that time painting.     From there her US journey began.

In her isolation she could see the absurd humor of a culture that was so new to her.     The many hours spent just looking at people, their silly habits, crazy public fights, moody encounters, make this opera a time capsule of sorts.   It also conveys her frustrations of being harassed endlessly by the prying eyes of males that feasted their eyes on a beautiful yet naive young immigrant. 

However bothersome that might have been, Truus always translated it into humorous  musical reflections.    It is not dark yet perhaps a bit cynical, but full of irony.   

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RADIO RADIO with Truus De Groot, The Tobacconists en Daniela de Paulis

A live event organised by the WORM STUDIO@WORM, april 5th…

The event was broadcasted as live streaming audio, and will, in an edited form be broadcasted again on Radio 6,  VPRO’s cafe Sonore. The two tape compositions that were played were by KAMAMA and The Future Sounds Of Folk.

text about the event; (in dutch, sorry)
WormRadio/radioWORM is afkomstig van het live-gebeuren en de eeuwigdurende zoektocht naar een podium voor onalledaagsheid. Zowel op radiofonisch/geluids gebied als op documentair/menselijk gebied. In het kort gezegd; eind jaren 90 inspireerde de electronische revolutie in de rock & experimentele muziek ons tot de gedachte dat het live optreden eigenlijk net zo goed als radio gebracht kon worden (omdat het ‘performance’element ten enemale ontbrak), tegenwoordig inspireert de ‘content is overal’-revolutie ons tot de gedachte dat we juist moeten inzetten op een ‘schaarste’ revival. Als de podcasten en streaming content voor het oprapen ligt is het misschien zaak van de radio weer een ‘hot medium’ te maken bijvoorbeeld door middel van onherhaalbaarheid zoals ons RADIO RADIO evenement van vanavond. Hoewel het geheel ook live gestreamed wordt en dus eigenlijk als ‘radio’ uitzending (met beeld`) over de gehele wereld te volgen is.
Ons programma bestaat uit interviews met alle betrokken, twee Tape Composities die in opdracht van WORM zijn gemaakt, een live-hoorspel, een Radio Performance en tot besluit een muziekoptreden.

RADIO RADIO with Truus De Groot, The Tobacconists en Daniela de Paulis Read More »

Meanwhile the Studio Crew Worked on Location

…..and produced a live horspil, below what the pr of the poetry international thought it was about… 

Gardensensibilities – hoorspel Ursula Andkjær Olsen & WORM

met Henk Bakker, Nina Hitz en Lukas Simonis

Sinds vijf jaar maakt en curateert WORM hoorspelen die het midden houden tussen het Stockhauseriaanse Hörspil en het piepende deuren/grindpad/fiktieve Doorsneehoorspel
WORM’s huidige hoorspelreeks brengt steeds een geluidskunstenaar samen met een dichter. Verborgen agenda: het botsen of versmelten van geluids- en taalabstracties. Via Poetry International werd het contact met de Deense dichteres Ursula Andkjær Olsen gelegd. Haar tekst Gardensensibilities is de basis voor een live-hoorspel waarbij zij zelf een van de stemmen speelt. De WORMRADIOcrew – bestaande uit Lukas Simonis, Henk Bakker en Nina Hitz, Yuko Uesu – maakte bij de tekst een muziekachtig stuk dat behalve decor en sfeer ook personage is en zich als een beminnelijke natuurramp gedraagt. Sierbestrating, tuinhout, meubilair: Gardensensibilities voorziet in al uw wensen in en om de tuin. Voor particulier én hovenier.

Meanwhile the Studio Crew Worked on Location Read More »


Worm’s Geluidswerkplaats invited Carl Michael von Hausswolff and Leif Elggren to do a residency and we asked them specifically to work on a live-performance and not only work in our electronic studio but to see the whole WORM building as their playfield.  They suggested that the project takes its starting point in the Kingdoms of Elgaland-Vargaland and what they would do during the week and during the performance would orbitate around that concept. And we said; yes please.

The reason we ask those two gentlemen is because –very simple- we like their work a lot, also because they don’t seem to linger around 1 certain subject and safely stay there, but they go forward in all kinds of directions –electronic music, drones, electronic voice phonomena, radio art, absurd performances, conceptual stuff, a virtual but-not-so-virtual kingdom…

They present on saturday 19th the result of their work at WORM.

June Guests 2 : LEIF ELGGREN & CM Von HAUSSWOLFF Read More »

The Science Fiction Radio Play Workshop by Felix Kubin




The idea behind this workshop is to produce a professional radio play within a period of 3 weeks. During the production phase, the participants will have access to the studio facilities of WORM including the use of vintage and digital synthesizers, samplers, microphones, hard-disc recording and professional peripheral equipment. The participants will form crews and cooperate in creating the play.
Felix Kubin is a composer, radio-playwright and performance artist from Hamburg.

The Science Fiction Radio Play Workshop by Felix Kubin Read More »

Popular Noise For The Masses

At Saturday 20th of March, the Studio presented an evening of presentation, lecture, music, projects, installations and live radioplays: typical products of the sound studio department. Here’s some picts, sounds wil follow soon.

click below for more picts


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