Marco Cher-Gibard @ Worm Studio

Sorry for the long interval of posting! Finally we found some time to continue this blog and we have a lot of stuff in stock. Let’s start with Marco Cher-Gibard who visited us in july…
We have posted two of his tracks tracks on Free Music Archive. See link below.

This is what Marco has to say about his time at Worm Studios, July 2012

During my residency at the Worm Studio, i used the time to experiment and record using the studio’s vintage modular synth collection, and also to develop working methods in the studio.  A favourite setup emerged using the Arp2500 series with a clocked sequencer i found in an aluminium suitcase. As a side project, I also took an interest in the local environment of the Artist in Residence accommodation on Hoornbrekersstraat where i did a number of field recordings.

Some of the work from the Worm studio has already appeared in a sound installation for the Link IV alumni exhibition at RMIT School of Art Gallery, which  I installed on returning to Melbourne.  I also plan to make use of the recordings in the future for live performance and recorded formats. Since returning home, I’ve becoming quite interested in an intersection between analog sound sources and digital processing techniques via max/msp.  I used max to spacialise sounds for the installation, and am interested to investigate the area more.

Of the field recordings, i haven’t used them publicly and am treating it more as a preliminary study.  The site when i visited had a number of features such as a fire station just opposite and a bunch young neighbours who liked to barbecue, drink and sing when the weather was nice.  The street clangs during the day to the sounds of mechanic shops, renovations and occasional sirens, while at night it the noise floor drops and the neighbours come home.  As a stranger in the land i found all this quite interesting, especially the singing.  I think i was surprised at first, to hear singing, because I feel we don’t sing in public much in Australia, and rarely even in private. Maybe thats me?

The pictures didn’t come out great, and i’m sure that there are lots of the Arp photos already (so please ignore those if you like) but they tell a story i guess.

The tracks come from the exhibition and are bounced down versions of the 4.1 mix. I have added some reverb to keep true to the spirit of the room they were produced for. Making them, both were initially played to accompany vocal tracks which i had processed using my own “sampling” instruments. However, in the end i stripped the vocal off hailin to focus on the synths.  Rehab takes its name from its original version, which might not be hard to guess.

here’s some synth porn pics by marco

and check out the tracks that Marco made @ worm;
