Radio WORM was an ungoing monthly Radio magazine, made by the (formerly) WORM Studio crew. It existed from the year 2000 until 2012, never missing an issue, and it was broadcasted on 20 -or so- free and/or art radio stations around the world, most of them situated in Europe.
Every month we sent the new issue of Radio Worm to all these addresses, always as a CD with a new sleeve or cover. Most of the Cd’s were also for sale in the Worm Shop, being printed in a very small edition of 20 or 30 copies. (some of them are still for sale, look HERE)
The idea behind Radio Worm was to always present new and original material, either stuff that was made in the Worm studio or was send to us and premiered at the program. There were lots of different projects as well -for instance the St Petersburg Field Recording trip– and we also broadcasted live performances that took place on the Worm stage. For instance the good ole’ boys from Trad Gras Och Stenar
(the links go to the current worm website and seem to work fine on Firefox, but my Google Chrome is not having those despicable OGG files -oh no, it works fine now)
For an overview; see the list of playlists. As most of the material is still online on the worm website we will link a few tracks here every now and then, linking all the tracks would be a hell of a job so that is not gonna happen.