
REcreating vintage techno sounds

The ongoing project by Nick and Robin from the HKU Multi Media School, regarding the midi to cv protocol for all the synths at our studio (arp 2500, arp 2600, putney, serge and korg ms 20), is leading us to interesting places, about tuning and syncing in particular…
in this clip we have the concussor, arp 2600 and ms 20 pretty tight….


REcreating vintage techno sounds Read More »


Of course our audio workplace is open, from the beginning of january we were at it.
Here a group of kids teachers to be, being introduced to WORM and the word EXPERIMENTAL in particular: Study the effect it has on the young women…(it explains why we had 2 security gards present) here in this movie the students are about to participate in the annual WORM Name Seeking Challenge: indeed, the WORMstudio should be called (……) we think the WORMstudio shouldnt be called ( SoundLAB, WORMStudio): you think it should be called ???


IN THE NEW YEAR – 2010 Read More »

Build Your Own

Derek Holzer was this week artist in residence at the WORM ModdrLab____, with a Neanderthal Electronincs Workshop of building your own synth he showed that with little means you can create an exciting self composed basic synthesizer. He also spent 2 long days at the Studio. On the clip below he is filming a synth scematic while Mr Jean is performing his self built synth.


Build Your Own Read More »

Never a dull moment

These are the contestants for our bi-annual “ARP 2500 fast patching competition”. receiving their first lecture and demo on analoge synthesis by Dr Simonis and Herr B.
Well not really, but a growing number of schools send their students over to visit our studios, where they do get a short introduction into music in general, old machines and weird sounds in particular. Nothing wrong with that.

Never a dull moment Read More »