
Yuri Landman

On the 9th of june@WORM, Yuri Landman gave one of his first workshops about his instrument called ‘The Caterpillar’.  A bit of info about that;

The Caterpillar is an instrument which can be used as a noise drum guitar in the tradition of Glenn Branca’s ‘Mallet Guitars’ as well as a convenient bowed instrument or a more traditional slide guitar commonly used in country music.

With two drum sticks you can easily develop a percussive sliding technique with one stick functioning as a slide to select a pitch and with the other stick you hit the sliding stick. The instrument also functions well with drum techniques such as double strokes and bouncing.

The instrument features two pickups. It can be used as a stereo instrument and creates a beautiful audio spectrum at recording sessions when two amps are being used. A switch can change the stereo signal in a mono set up which is easier for live situations.
Three musical scales are drawn on the instrument that all together clarify the played tones and the harmonic positions. The color dotted series are equal to the system used on the Home Swinger. Two small movable bridges allow the player to select four fundamental tones.

Here are some photo’s of the workshop;

(photo’s by Joost & Thies)

A Question;
Can anybody that joined the workshop comment on their experiences? We would appriciate that…

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Instrument builder / musician Yuri Landman and WORM recording studio have partnered.
prototypes of Yuri’s instruments will come to the WORM studio to be freely used by anyone. So except for the very special vintage synth collection that we had now an unprecedented accumulation in strings. At the moment;  the Home Swinger, the Empire State Rocker,  DrumGuitar/ Caterpillarguitar and last but not least the Landman Kalimba. More soon! Yuri also continues to contribute to our Residency program and he will give an instrument-building workshop in june. see HERE.


PD Workshop finished

The very interesting and well received PD introduction workshop ended. With plans for a follow up next season, and maybe sooner, a PD meeting every month, to zoom in on the specific needs of the users, working with various hardware and pd. You can let us know if you are interested in any way in learning PD. Do see Katja’s website for info too! (

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Nieuwe Workshop In April

Workshop Computer Controlled Voltage
door Radboud Mens
op 9, 16, 23 en 30 April, 1130h tot ongeveer 2 uur.
schade; ¤ 40 (studenten) ¤ 60 (rest van de wereld)

info en reserveren; lukas at

Computer Controlled Voltage – Workshop over hoe je je (modulaire) analoge synthesizer kan besturen met je computer.

Heb je oude analoge synthesizers en ben je geinteresseerd in het gebruiken van die synths in je muziek? Wil je een analoge synth integreren in je digitale studio set-up?
Oude analoge synths werken met CV en gate of trigger, hebben meestal geen MIDI en kunnen daarom maar moeilijk worden geintergreerd in een digitale studio set-up.  Maar dat is nou net wat je wilt; je oude synth controleren met je computer en combineren met harddisk recording en samples. Deze workshop gaat over het gebruik van synthesizers die geen midi hebben, in combinatie met een computer (die bv Ableton-Live draait).

De workshop bestaat uit 4 delen van ieder ongeveer 2 uur op 9, 16, 23 en 30 maart;

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Pure Data

The PD Workshop by Katja Vetter is well under way, and attrackted some 15 people, and rightly so, not only is pure date fascinating stuff, katja is very much specialised in this field, so the workshop knows a thorough theoretical and a very hands on approach.

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The Home Swinger

WORM Presents, yet another workshop, this one held a few months ago, and was very well received by the participants. It was called the Home Swinger D>I>Y workshop, done by Yuri Landman. The movie was done by Maria Botella.


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making music at WORM

Part two of our workshop for kids is underway. About thirty kids participate each time and listen to an artist (a mini concert and a story on his music) and make a track in our analogue studio with the aide of Radboud Mens. The artist this week is MachineFabriek.
This project is a cooperation with SKVR.
Here’s a little clipc catching the studio atmosphere


and a pict of the group at the shop

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Students Visits

Here are some picts of a group of students from the Piet Zwart Academy, who we hope to see again in one of our light courses, or mikro workshops on electronik music, which we plan to organise in the coming year.

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